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Membership Information

Membership Information

Becoming a Member

Pine Grove welcomes all persons who desire a relationship with Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and are willing to grow and serve with the members of Christ's body in Pine Grove. A person desiring to become a member of the AME Church usually presents him/herself to the church during an invitation to Christian discipleship. There are four ways a person can join our fellowship.

  1. Conversion: Individuals who are being drawn by the Holy Spirit confess their sins and accept Christ as Savior and Lord. This person presents him/herself during a worship service or is led to Christ by a Christian believer.
  2. Affiliated Membership: If you are a member of an AME Church but you are living in the area and worshiping at Pine Grove AME, Columbia, we will gladly receive you as an "Affiliated Member" with all the rights and privileges of a Full Member. You will remain on the membership roll of your home AME Church.
  3. Probationary Membership: If you have a desire to seek and to know Jesus Christ as your Savior, but you haven't exercised saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we welcome you as a probationary member. The clergy and the church leadership will meet with you during this important time of prayer, reflection, instruction, and decision.
  4. Transfer of Membership: If you are a member of any local AME Church and bear a certificate of membership we will receive you into full membership. If you are a member from a non-AME Church, we will receive you into membership into our fellowship and ask you to complete classes on the doctrine and discipline of the AME Church in order to introduce to the AME Church and address any particular questions you may have.

A Word about Baptism: Baptism is not only a sign of profession and a mark of difference whereby Christians are distinguished from others who are not baptized; it is also a sign of regeneration or the new birth. The African Methodist Episcopal Church recognizes the water baptism of infants, children, and adults. If you were previously baptized, we believe the grace of God in the sacrament of water Baptism remains in effect. Therefore, no further baptism is required.

Membership Classes: Membership classes are offered to all persons joining Pine Grove. These classes are designed to instruct members concerning Christian living, history and doctrine of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and to familiarize new members with the life and ministry of Pine Grove AME Church.

Members of Pine Grove AME Church are a part of the body of Christ where the following benefits are offered:

  1. Shepherding from the pastor, ministers and class leaders of Pine Grove.
  2. Christian fellowship within the body of Christ.
  3. A nurturing community for prayer support and encouragement.
  4. Spiritual and personal development through teaching and equipping.
  5. Opportunity to use their gifts/talents to glorify God and benefits others.
  6. Spirit filled vibrant worship experiences.
  7. Ministries and groups designed for children and youth.