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Church Ministries Provide services and support in carrying out the mission of our church to our members and to persons outside the walls of the church.

Intercessory & Focus Prayer Cells

This ministry upholds the total church life through prayer. It consists of an intercessory prayer segment with the primary task of regularly gathering prayer requests and keeping the church abreast of the prayer needs for the whole congregation.

Ministry to Children and Youth (Ages 0-17)

Purpose of Ministry: To respond to God's mandate to make disciples of all nations and to bring our children up in the fear and admonition of the Lord (Eph. 6). To be diligent in fostering their faith in Jesus Christ, their communion with God the Father, and drawing them into responsible participation in the life, mission, and ministry of the Church.

Areas of Focus: (ages 0-17)

  • Christian Training: This ministry provides leadership in the total training of our children for Christian living. This includes Sunday worship services, training of new members, orientation for baptism.
  • Christian Service: This ministry is designed to teach our youth the value of helping others. Its deeper purpose is to glorify God by utilizing their gifts and talents to build community and win others to Christ.
  • Christian Activities: The Ministry to Youth will plan special activities designed for recreation and education. These activities provide a healthy atmosphere for our youth to fellowship with each other and persons within the community.

Music and Worship

The music and worship ministry provides leadership for choirs and other temple servants in preparation of and participation in worship services. Furthermore, it works to enable and enhance each person's desire to appear in the presence of God to offer God praises and thanksgiving for who He is and what He has done through quality music and appropriate worship presentations.

Public Relations and Marketing

This ministry manages all communications within and without the Church community. It will exercise oversight and management of the church's webpage, bulletin boards, membership publications, visitor's packets, and other communications which represent the face of Pine Grove AME Church.

College and Career: (Ages 18-26)

This ministry provides a forum for college and career persons to identify and explore options for continued education and job opportunities. Its purpose is to prepare young adults to effectively meet the challenges of the workforce and assist those who are interested in preparing for college. The ministry also administers the Education Scholarship Program of the church and facilitates identifying and distribution of other scholarships that may be available for our High School graduates.


Members of this ministry assist the pastor in carrying out the ceremonial, hospitality and aesthetic functions of his office. Its goal is to create a good impression of Pine Grove for visitors and serve as the greeters for our visitors and guests of the pastor. It provides assistance to the pastor and spouse by entertaining guests and hosting meetings or events in the church. This ministry sets a tone of beauty, cordiality and graciousness for the entire church.

Church School

This ministry provides the life vein of Bible teaching for all ages in the church. Included in this ministry is the training of the congregation in the history and traditions of our church which keeps us aware of our heritage both ethnically and spiritually. Periodical classes will be held focusing on areas such as marriage, child rearing and career building.


The Committee will plan, direct, and coordinate activities that involve the use of the church kitchen and fellowship hall for church-wide events. The overall focus is to coordinate, organize, and direct the preparation of meals for church-wide receptions, meetings, funerals, and social-events when directed by the Pastor or his designee.

Media/Audio Visual

The purpose of this ministry is to enhance the overall worship service, conferences and special events with audio/visual technology and provide quality audio and video recordings. This ministry provides audio and video support for the Church during worship services and special activities. They ensure that CDs are available for worshipers and for the sick and shut-in. They record and video all special services of the Church, including concerts, special days, drama presentations, etc.

Senior/Retired Ministry

The focus of this ministry is addressing the needs and concerns of our blessed senior members. The goals are to provide, assist and advocate on behalf of the elderly. Services include weekly outings, worship, fellowship and dining. This ministry keeps the church abreast of concerns and challenges of the elderly.

Ministry of Mission & Welfare

The ministry provides temporary financial assistance to persons in crisis who need assistance with medical expenses, rent, utilities, or other vital areas of need. It assumes the leadership to identify and support organizations designed to meet the physical needs of hurting people.

Parking Lot

This ministry is the first line of welcome and safety for all who worship with us. It assists worshipers with parking; escorts them to and from the sanctuary; manages the flow of traffic by ushering cars into spaces in a safe and feasible manner; ensures that handicapped parking areas are only used by people with required stickers or passes; and protects the safety of our worshipers.


This ministry is designed to develop and enhance Christian womanhood and manhood through spiritual dance and creative expression. Self-esteem, role-modeling, personal appearance, and behavior are some of the areas this ministry will address.


The Acolytes ministry is designed to symbolize the entrance and presence of Christ in our worship services. Prior to leading the recessional, the Acolytes relight their candle lighter which symbolizes the light of Jesus Christ going out into the world.

Health and Wellness

The Health and Wellness Ministry serves as an advocate for healthy lifestyles which include good nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, wellness education, seminars, health fairs, and health screenings. This ministry promotes physical, mental, and spiritual wholeness. It provides information that will help people recognize and address their health needs and provide health related resources and programs that will supply that information. In order to reach this goal, this ministry works in partnership with medical and fitness entities in the congregation and community. The ministry strives to encourage people to take personal responsibility to improve and maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Allen University Liaison

This person or persons serve as our official representative for all matters related to our University. The liaison provides the local congregation with updates on the University's needs and progress and additionally serves as our recruiter.

Class Leader Council

The Class Leader Council consists of leaders of each class. This group is led by a mature and faithful member of our church. This council serves as a support for each other by sharing strengths and strategies in being effective class leaders.


Liturgical Dance